Press Release 1: Announcement, FINAL DRAFT

September 15, 2009 at 12:03 am (Public Relations) (, , , )

Press Release 1: Announcement

Sept. 14, 2009

Social Media Club of Cache Valley

President Preston Parker

851 N Main St.

Logan, Utah 84321



The Social Media Club of Cache Valley Looks for new members in Logan

LOGAN, Utah – The Social Media Club of Cache Valley is looking for members interested in learning about social media.  If you’ve ever wanted to learn the ins and outs of blogging or Tweeting, than your chance has arrived.

The Social Media Club of Cache Valley, a chapter of the global Social Media Club, is the first of its kind in the Logan area.  Preston Parker, a public relations professor at Utah State University and an avid social media user, acts as president of the club that was established in July of 2009. Parker said he and several other board members met at a chapter meeting for the Social Media Club of Salt Lake City, when they decided to create a club in Cache Valley.

The Social Media Club of Cache Valley has three goals, to educate citizens about social media, to help these people utilize social media to their advantage, and to create a network of individuals for a support system.

Social media has become an increasingly active realm of the online world.  Users can share their opinions with the world in a blog, reconnect with a long-lost classmate through Facebook, and give instant information updates , called Tweets, via Twitter.  The Social Media Club of Cache Valley plans to hold monthly meetings, where members from a variety of skill levels can learn how to better utilize social media.

“There is no better place to learn about social media than in a Social Media Club,” Parker said.  Anyone can join the Social Media Club of Cache Valley and memberships, as well as the meetings, are free of charge.  Parker said the club is geared to teach what the members want to learn and he encourages citizens who get involved with the club to bring their questions and ideas.

The Social Media Club of Cache Valley is a chapter of the Social Media Club, a global organization.  With a total of 26 members and growing, the Social Media Club of Cache Valley aims to teach locals about the importance of social media in their lives. Meetings are held every second Thursday of each month, promptly at 6:30 p.m..  For more information, check out the Social Media Club of Cache Valley’s Facebook page or their website at

Media Contact:

Lisa Janssen


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