2310 Memo: Online Identity

December 5, 2009 at 1:30 pm (Uncategorized) (, )


To: Emily R. Craw

From: Lisa Janssen

Date: Nov. 24, 2009

Re: Your Online Identity

All of the information presented in this memo was found through a myriad of searches conducted online.  Although you have a Facebook profile as well as a MySpace profile, I am not on your friends list and cannot see any information posted there.  I used three search engines to gather information about you: Google.com, Bing.com and Yahoo.com.

You were born in 1986, between August 23 and Sept. 23, which means as of this memo, you are 23 years old.  You are a full-time student at Utah State University studying Journalism and Communication with an emphasis in public relations.  Your parents are Scott and Vickie Craw and they currently live in Providence, Utah.  Your mother’s maiden name is Elder.

You are a self-proclaimed, “Disney freak”, and the princesses are your favorite characters.  You are a fan of the late-night TV host Conan O’Brien and you watch the FOX cartoon the Simpsons often, so much so that you can quote lines from the show on a daily basis.  Your other favorite TV shows are the Office and Lost.  Jim Halpert, the character played by John Krasinski is your favorite character on the Office.  Other interests include the American Idol runner-up Clay Aiken, the British actor Orlando Bloom and Prince William.

You also enjoy all things Harry Potter, the fictional wizard world created by J.K. Rowling.  You are a member of the Facebook group, “Potterheads- Harry Potter Fan Club”. The group created a fictional school roster of current group members.  On Sept. 1, 2009, you were sorted into the Hufflepuff house.

You are a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and served a mission.  In the April 2004 issue of the New Era magazine, you wrote an article entitled, “Jordan’s Advice.”  The article was a reflection of your personal feelings after the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11 in New York City and Washington D.C.  At the time, you were a member of the Greenfield Ward, Logan Utah Cache Stake.

In August 2009, you placed an advertisement for beginning to intermediate piano lessons on the Salt Lake Tribune and Deseret News online classifieds.  You have played the piano for 18 years and have been giving lessons on and off for the past 5 years.

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